White Elm Oyster Mushrooms (pleurotus ulmarius) is a variety of tree oyster mushroom that grows in beautiful clusters of creamy white, almost flower like mushrooms. They have a subtle sweet taste and a substantial meaty texture. Tear into strips and sauté with red onions to make a side-dish accompaniment. Or better, incorporate the sautéed mushroom and red onion mixture into a spiced Indian style omlette for an amazing gourmet oyster mushroom breakfast.
A very easy mushroom to grow indoors, White Elm Oyster Mushrooms have a wide growing (fruiting) temperature so the ideal growing conditions are simple to provide at home.
- Growing Temperature: 15-24 deg.C.
- Number of flushes (crops): 2-3
- 1kg bags produce 350g plus of fresh mushrooms
- 3kg bags produce 1kg plus of fresh mushrooms