Spent coffee grounds are perfect for growing oyster mushrooms. The hot water pasteurises the grounds which removes the competitor organisms that would otherwise flourish, allowing the mushroom mycelium to grow unhindered. The fresh coffee grounds (including any filters) are added to the kit daily, along with some cardboard chips (they absorb any excess moisture), and a small amount of grain spawn is sprinkled on top. Once the tub is full, oyster mushrooms will grow through the hole in the lid around 2 weeks later.
Kit Contains:
- 5 Litre Tub (due to customer feedback the tub now supplied is transparent)
- 2 x 85g Packets of Grain Spawn
- Recycled Cardboard Chips
The tub will hold around 3.5kg of coffee grounds, and can yield up to 1kg of mushroms over 3-5 crops. The grain spawn can be stored in the fridge for 3 months prior to use, and is supplied with a use-by-date. Instructions are printed on the tub.