Thriving in winter temperatures below 10 deg.C all the way down to 0 deg.C. Winter Brown Oyster is a joy to grow through the colder months.
Winter Brown Oyster is our highest yielding Oyster Mushroom. From a 3kg supplemented sawdust block the 1st flush weighs up to 900g. Producing in dense clusters of thick fleshed mushrooms, the primordia start as almost black which fades to chocolate brown.
Like all Oyster Msuhrooms it is highly adaptable and can be grown using a wide variety of substrates. For best results when growing indoors:
Outdoors Winter Brown Oyster mushroom can be grown using hardwood logs and tree stumps. Also outdoor beds comprised of hardwood woodchip and/or chopped cereal straw
- Yield: 300-350g per kg of substrate over 3 flushes
- Fruiting Temperature: below 10 deg.C.
- Recommended bags for indoor growing:Super-Aerated Mushroom Grow Bags
- Availability: all year